Sonia Moreno was born in Almería in 1973. She studied journalism and music educaton in Barcelona in the 90s. She is currently training in systemic therapy and DFA.
She has conducted Twocats pel Gospel since 2000. She imparts workshops, seminars and master classes around the voice, music, gospel, emotions…with the aim of creating privileged spaces for training and research for each of the participants.
She was also conductor of children’s and youth choirs such as Diaula cor jove, the choir of the Nostra Senyora de Lurdes school, the choir of the Infant Jesús school, Gospel Marista 6-25, Jove Zetzània Choir and Gospel Argentona.
She coordinated the gospel area of the Taller de Músics for a year.
In March 2015 she directed the Weclap project, a musical space for artistic creation and production.
Sonia Moreno has also worked in the educational services of L’Auditori de Barcelona and the Palau de la Música, with productions of family shows such as T’encantarà GOSPEL and T’encantarà AL·LELUIA, I came to sing gospel or Crea la teva music al Palau.
For 5 years she taught non-verbal communication classes at the Blanquerna University, Ramon Llull, for second-year and third-year teaching students. She was also a Gospel teacher for ISEP’s Master in Music Therapy, higher education.
As an author, Sonia Moreno released her first solo album “Sin Regomello” in 2012.
For her, music is a language that can teach us where we are and where we want to be to live healthily and fully, it is a direct contact to be able to know more about ourselves.